Running Javascript Server-Side

I’m working on a small project with frequent broadcasts. Loon’s JavaScript Tool does the job - at least manually from my browser. The broadcasts need to be automated and run from a webhost.

Unfortunately this is where the trouble starts. JavaScript isn’t easy to run server-side.

  • I could upgrade to a server with node.js but I won’t because this is a minor project.
  • I could run it locally on my machine but I don’t want to keep it running 24/7.
  • Installing full Bitcoin and Counterparty nodes is not an option.
  • Porting the JavaScript to PHP seems like a very challenging task because the Bitcore library is massive.

Basically, if someone would run the JavaScript on their server, perfect, please let me know. The resource use is minimal. I’d call it once every few hours. Or if someone knows a way for me to run it on my own, even better. Or, best of all, if you want to cooperate on this project :smiley:

It is is a non-profit project and the code can be made open-source.

Maybe I could run it. PM me and let’s explore this idea.