Not enough balance

When I try to transfer my Triggers tokens from my IndieSquare Counterparty wallet to an exchange, I receive the following notification after confirming the transaction: “You do not have enough triggers balance”.
However, I do have a balance of around 2,000 Triggers tokens
I am not sure what is this issue about. Please help, thanks

This is a question best posed to the makers of the wallet indiesquare, not to the general counterparty community.

Well, not sure where is the issue. IndieSquare is using the Counterparty. I have contacted Indiesquare several times but they never ever respond. I have thought someone over here should have experienced the same. Any help is appreciated. Thanks

As this is an issue with the indiesquare wallet, this is a question that only they can answer.

I suggest you try using a different wallet from

I would try using desktop wallet since it supports all the current counterparty features.

Thanks for your suggestion. I installed freewallet, however I would still need to transfer my Triggers token from IndieSquare to freewallet and since the issue is with Indiesquare I do not see how the transfer could be done. What do you mean?

You might want to try your 12-word passphrase from your indiesquare wallet in freewallet and see if it brings up the same addresses.

If you have the private key for your address with your TRIGGERS, you could also import the private key into and then just send the TRIGGERS from your wallet.

Just some possible options. :slight_smile:

I tried to enter my 12-word passphrase of my indiesquare wallet into freewallet but it does not work.

I am not sure where to find my Triggers private key and how to import it into freewallet. I had transfered my triggers token from an exchange to IndieSquare.

Counterparty will say all servers are fine per this site but it is happening across all wallets…Indiesquare, freewallet…error messages point to Counterparty servers.