Error withdrawing Folding Coins (FLDC)

I’ve deposited the required minimum amount of 0.0005 BTC in my counterwallet account in order to withdraw the folding coins I have there. I click the Send option for the Folding Coins (FLDC), then I enter the destination FLDC address, but when I click the Send button I get the following error:

failoverAPI: Call failed (across all servers). Method: get_optimal_fee_per_kb; Last error: JSON-RPC Error:
Type: Method not found

Code: -32601


It doesn’t matter what I choose for “Bitcoin Fee” - normal priority, low priority or custom, the error always appears.

I think you reached out to us on Slack and this was fixed, right?

Hi, it wasn’t me on Slack, maybe it was someone else experiencing the same issue. Anyways, I tried withdrawing the folding coins today and it worked. Thank you for fixing it so quickly.

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