Error with counterblock


1. I installed a full federated node
2. Please, look output of fednode ps command:

3. When I’m on our server go to this address: *ttps:// , so I see such errors
|counterblock_error|“COULD NOT CONTACT”|
|counterparty-server|“NOT OK”|
|counterblock|“NOT OK”|
4. When i write comand: fednode tail counterblock, so i see such errors:

WARNING:blockfeed: Cannot contact counterparty-server (via get_running_info): ‘NoneType’ object is not subscriptable
WARNING:util: Got call_jsonrpc_api request error: result is None – is the ‘http://counterparty:4000/api/’ endpoint operational? – Waiting 3 seconds before trying again…

and initial log after restart:
/usr/local/bin/ line 17: 7 Terminated /usr/local/bin/counterblock ${PARAMS} ${COMMAND}
counterblock_1 | INFO:log: Logging txes to ‘/root/.cache/counterblock/log/server.tx.log’
counterblock_1 | INFO:module: Loading Plugin Module lib/modules/assets
counterblock_1 | INFO:module: Loading Plugin Module lib/modules/counterwallet
counterblock_1 | INFO:module: Loading Plugin Module lib/modules/dex
counterblock_1 | INFO:module: Loading Plugin Module lib/modules/transaction_stats
counterblock_1 | INFO:module: Loading Plugin Module lib/modules/betting
counterblock_1 | INFO:server: counterblock command specified: server
counterblock_1 | INFO:server: counterblock Version 1.4.0 starting …
counterblock_1 | INFO:database: Connecting to mongoDB backend …
counterblock_1 | INFO:cache: Connecting to redis @ redis
counterblock_1 | INFO:counterwallet: Loading config at: /root/.config/counterblock/counterwallet.conf
counterblock_1 | INFO:counterwallet: Armory-utxsvr hostname: armory-utxsvr
counterblock_1 | INFO:counterwallet: Checking/updating GeoIP.dat …
counterblock_1 | INFO:counterwallet: GeoIP.dat database up to date. Not downloading.
counterblock_1 | WARNING:counterwallet: Support email setting not set: To enable, please specify an email for the ‘support-email’ setting in your counterblockd.conf
counterblock_1 | INFO:startup: Starting up counterparty block feed poller…
counterblock_1 | INFO:startup: Starting up RPC API handler…
counterblock_1 | WARNING:util: Got call_jsonrpc_api request error: result is None – is the ‘http://counterparty:4000/api/’ endpoint operational? – Waiting 3 seconds before trying again…

Recently I’v seen another error, something like:
Your database behind back-end…

Please, help.
I installed federated node via docker. Interestingly, the main page is not displayed (*ttps:// 403 forbidden) and the src folder is displayed (*ttps:// Although in the manual it was stated that the main www needs to work, and in the src folder must placed minified files.