CIP22 - Change "indexd" to "addrindexrs"

This new proposal changes the current indexd indexing service to a more modern and maintained addrindexrs service, which is the same used by Electrum and SamouraiWallet.

Github link for the proposal

@jdogresorg would you be so kind to allocate a bounty address for this proposal?


Address 17GKi9QMyLkjEZdFexLuaQMinuhMyTVbhd has been created and assigned to collect CIP22 donations.

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Is there a link to the details of addrindexrs ?

Are there other indexing services that are actively maintained?

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Other well known indexing services are what’s generally known as “block explorers”

Blockstream, abe, btc-rpc-explorer and so on.

Most of the well known explorers/indexers are hulking behemoths that are “all-encompassing” to provide an incredible featureset at expense of CPU power and Database size.

We just need something that spits the currently unspent txids, that’s exactly what addrindexrs does at a very low CPU and Database size budget.


Thanks, looks like a good choice

Initial commit of the code is up, i’m integrating the addrindexrs to the samouraiwallet “dojo” gitlab instance, so it gets mainlined and we can cooperate to that piece of tech too.

Seems working, no showstopping failures, will do proper tests tomorrow (2am here already).

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Milestone #1 payout (0.54 BTC)

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Milestone #2 and #3 Payout (0.53 BTC)