[ANN] Cloud mine Bitcoin from your Counterparty wallet! GIGAHASH

Hi All,

Total payout = 0.00808959
Minus 3% = 0.007846902
Total dividend per GIGAHASH = 0.00006036

TX b00ce27cba6f9eab9ffeefd4c28f27214eca0c100d2668edf7f1fc8149dda590

Hi All,

Total payout = 0.00859683
Minus 3% = 0.0083389251
Total dividend per GIGAHASH = 0.00006415

TX b00ce27cba6f9eab9ffeefd4c28f27214eca0c100d2668edf7f1fc8149dda590

Does someone want to buy ~45 GIGAHASH? I need to raise funds for the upcoming Gems ICO. Make an offer. 

There haven’t been any payouts for a few weeks. Are they still hashing?

Good question. I was hoping Jeremy would reply. I know he’s pretty busy with other things, but I think we’ll hear from him before too long. 

Hi All,

My apologies. yes I have been rather busy. I've also made a decision to unwind the experiment. This is for a few reasons:

1) The rapidly increasing difficulty leading to reduced payouts
2) Time constraints
3) CFDs been disabled (which was going to be one of the use cases for GIGAHASH)

As such, I've just performed a payout which will refund all holders of GIGAHASH. The amount paid out was 0.01067424 BTC per GIGAHASH which is the original full price as per the first post. If that doesn't cover the amount that you paid, please let me know and I'll sort it out.

The TX for the payment is: 

Thanks for joining in on the experiment and good luck!



Thank you for inviting us to join in this experiment, and also for the - in my opinion - very generous buyback. This asset did pay out a little bit, after all, and yet you are refunding the full purchase price. 

It makes sense to terminate the asset for the reasons you have stated. The days of private miners are long over, I am afraid. And, as you say, you have much bigger projects going on for Counterparty right now, and this asset should not be a distraction. 

It has been a pleasure doing business with you, Jeremy. Thank you for all that you do for Counterparty!
