Is it possible to create wallet via API?

@zono, sumimasen, kantan no mono dake! I will check your blog!

  1. I wrote a how-to here. You can use this approach to pre-generate addresses and private keys as well.
    Is it possible to create list of addresses and private keys from Counterwallet pass phrase?
  2. I am not quite sure that wallet uses the same deterministic approach and the same word list, if it doesn’t then it wouldn’t be possible to use the Counterwallet pass phrase to access that wallet.

When you start Bitcoin and then “counterpartyd server” no other services should require to be started manually, so I think counterblockd is already running (since the API works).

“ps -ef | grep block” may give you the answer (I am on a tablet now so I cannot give you an idea how it looks on my PC).