How does the counterparty decentralized exchange work?

@counterpart, you could try on Counterparty Skype chat group I suppose.
There was one time someone looked for a buyer here (on the forum), I remember.

The safest way is to find someone who wants to trade with you and agree to meet on DEx (you make a BTC for XCP offer, he makes a XCP for BTC offer).
But, there’s a complexity for those who use BTC to buy anything on the DEx: namely, you cannot use the GUI to create BTC-based offers (the CLI must be used).
But even if you go through this trouble (of setting up a Counterparty server), it may not be cost effective enough to justify it. I think for the amount you mention, it’s better to watch the main markets and buy in smaller amounts (say, in increments of 50 XCP, it’d be 20 purchases, which I think is more time-efficient than using the DEx, maybe even more cost-efficient).