High Counterwallet TX Fee

Yeah I found the same the other day (but my transaction went through really really quickly while that same day people were bitching left and right about the congestion on the bitcoin network).

Counterparty (and Counterwallet) now uses dynamic fee estimates from Bitcoin Core.

I agree it’d be nice to allow users to set their own fee, I proposed this high/low idea to Indiesquare and I think they implemented that.

I think the easiest way would be to not estimate anything, but just let people enter the fee and provide a link to somewhere where they can see the current situation. .

If actual fees can be decided by the user and for each individual transaction, then each action (Send, Issuance, DEx, etc. ) would have to be changed, plus some logic written to give options. It’s not trivial but it’s much simpler to just add a Hi/Lo Transaction Priority setting in Settings > Advanced, plus an indicator somewhere in the UI that informs the user of the current setting. Yes that’s a primitive way to do it, but considering how many things have to be done in CW (e.g. how are we going to support SegWit), I think we need to lead with the minimum requirements (which would simply use Bitcoin Core RPC to get estimatepriority 2 and estimatepriority 6 to get inputs for the Lo and Hi and then divide those by the transaction size and multiply if it’s multisig to get to the final fee figure) .

I wish I knew enough JavaScript to be able to add this PR, but I don’t. You could, though :slight_smile: