Can I burn counterparty assets by the underlying bitcoin (proof-of-burn)

To add to deweller’s answer:

  • You can burn bitcoin at that mainnet address, but nothing will come out (now). It worked during the “bootstrap” or exodus period only. Now it’s a one way street, no XCP gets returned to the sending address.
  • Now XCP are still burned for certain platform services. For example to register an asset (token) on the Counterparty platform you need to “pay” 0.5 XCP and the amount gets destroyed (it doesn’t go to anyone in particular), so since the end of burn period close to 15,000 XCP (there’s close to 30K assets registered) has been burned.
  • On Counterparty testnet, because XCP are always needed for testing, you can use testnet bitcoin to burn for testnet XCP
  • More in FAQ below
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